Worms: < a. flatworms: a. tapeworms b. flukes
<b. roundworms: a.Threadworms b. Pinworms c. Hookworms
Pollutants are all the dead things around us that should not get into our body because they interfere with its work!!!
Note: as long as they do not penetrate your tissues, they don't interfere, like plastic eyeglasses or clothing. BUT when they are invasive, your body must fight to remove them!!!
Pollutants can invade your body via the air you breath, the foods and beverages you eat, and the products you put on your body!
Solvent Pollutant:
Solvents are compounds that dissolve things. Water is a useful, life giving solvent.
Most other solvents dissolve fats and are life threatening, because fats from the membrane wall around each of our cells, especially our nerve cells.
Harmful solvents:
- The solvent that does the most harm is benzene. It goes to the thymus, ruin our immune system, and causes AIDS.
- the next worst solvent is propyl alcohol. It goes to the liver and causes cancer in some distant organ.
- other major culprits of diseases are: Xylene
- toluene
- wood alcohol
- methylene chloride
- and trichloroethane (TCE)
Metal Pollutants:
Biochemists know that a mineral in raw element form always inhibits the enzyme using that mineral.
Copper from the meat and vegetable you eat is essential.
* Inorganic copper, like you would get from the copper-bottomed kettle or copper plumbing, is carcinogenic!!!
Unfortunately, the inorganic form of metals is what pervades our environment.
- We put metal jewelry on our skin
- Eat bread baked in metal pans
- Drink water from metal plumbing
- Metal tooth fillings are not safe too, despite the American Dental Association's assurance. Mercury amalgam fillings are polluted with thallium, that is even more toxic than mercury!
- Other prevalent toxic metals include, lead, cadmium, from soldered and galvanized plumbing
- nickel and chromium from dentalware and cosmetics
- and aluminium from food and drink cans and cooking pots.
Molds produce some of the most toxic substances known called mycotoxins.
One small mold fruit or vegetable can pollute a huge batch of juice, jam or other products. Although molds are alive, and can be killed by zapping, mycotoxins are not, and must be detoxified by your liver.
Mycotoxins are so extremely poisonous that a tiny amount can incapacitate a part of your liver for days!
Aflatoxin is a most common mycotoxin. it is produced by molds that grow on quite a variety of plants.
For this reason>> CAUTION: eat only perfect citrus fruits and NEVER drink commercial fruit juice!
A heavy dose of vitamin C helps the liver recover quickly. It also helps get rid of aflatoxin before it is consumed, right in the food container!
*Note: keep a shaker of vitamin C handy and use it like a salt on all your food!!!
Physical Toxins:
Breathing in dust is quite bad for you so your body rejects it by sneezing, coughing, spitting up and out.
They cut into the lungs in a thousand places and couldn't be coughed up. They would travel. Imagine swallowing a needle or open pin. If the pin was blunt it could move through the intestine. Because it is sharp it gets caught in your tissues, then works its way deeper and deeper.
Would we ever knowingly breathe in broken glass?
We are conscious about broken glass in our food or under our bare feet, but we are unaware that it fills our homes when fiberglass insulation is left imperfectly sealed off. Any hole made through the ceiling or wall. even if covered with cloth,lets swarms of broken glasses bits into our house air. So all holes leading to the attic or isolated places must be sealed airtight.
Chronic exposure from a single small hole in the ceiling does a lot of harm, leading to cyst formation. The cyst is a perfect place for parasites and bacteria to settle and multiply. When the intestinal fluke settles there it becomes malignant!
Cancer patients with solid tumors have either fiberglass or asbestos in them.
Chemical Toxins:
- Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) or Freon is the refrigerant in your air conditioner and refrigerator coils.
CFCs are suspected of causing the ozone hole above the South Pole.
All cancer patients test positive for CFCs in their cancerous organ!
* It attracts other pollutants like -fiberglass, asbestos, metals, PBCs,-to form a growing tumor- instead of allowing their excretion, therefore it is "SUPER CARCINOGEN"
How would you detect a CFCs leaking in your home? By the time your refrigerator need a recharge you have been exposed for a long time! We desperately need an inexpensive, in-home test for this unsuspected killer.
- Arsenic is used in pesticides. Why would we poison ourself along with the cockroaches?
It is because we can't see it happening....just as we can't see fiberglass floating in the air?
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), oily compounds with great electrical properties. Banned from use, but still can be detected in many commercial soaps and detergents.
Formaldehyde is used to cure foam. As a result, foam furniture, mattresses, pillows give off formaldehyde for about two years after manufacturing. If you sleep buried your nose buried in a new foam pillow all night you are risking major lung problems. * Every cleanser in your house probably has a toxic warning on its label!
- Every fluid your car uses is toxic!
- Every pesticide, herbicide, fertilizer you put on your lawn is probably toxic.
Every paint, wax, lubricant, bleach, detergent will send you to the hospital if even small amount is ingested. Why do you want to keep them around ? ( there are healthy alternatives, that are safe , and old-fashioned. This article is not to the extent of greater details on them) Getting rid of them can be a major step toward being well.
The parasite cleansing protocol was invented by Dr Hulda Clark. Dr. Hulda Clark is an internationally known research scientist and author. Dr. Clark began her studies in biology at the University of Saskatchewan where she was awarded a Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude, and a Master of Arts with high honors.
What is parasite cleansing?
Parasite cleansing discovery based on the simple observation that every living creature broadcast its presence like a radio station, as Dr. Hulda Clark named it, bioradiation. She also developed the "zapper" , a frequency generator , based on her extend studies and experimenting, she claimed that: